Arabella wearing Isossy Children's faux fur gilet |
What inspires you?
Many things inspire me. The thing that inspires me the most is the people like Michael Jackson who have been successful from a young age. I have been taught that life should always be filled with positivity and happiness and making things happen!
What are your dreams for the future?
Well my dreams are to one day buy a unicorn and swim with mermaids but that's never going to happen, but I dream about growing up and living a happy life with my family and friends.
Who is your role model and why?
My role model is my mum because she has always been there for me and motivated me to do better and to inspire people around me. She has also been successful in life and this inspires me so much!
Please finish the sentence: I am possible because...
I am possible, because.. The passion and drive that I have makes me believe that everything is achievable and everything that I do should flourish and grow just like a Flower! I am that flower and I want to grow and flourish as much as I can. :)
What do you like about Isossy children and how does it make you feel when you wear Isossy children clothes
The fur waistcoat is all of the following:
1. Stylish
2. Love the design - using fur and denim is so unique
3. Its versatile so I can wear it with a denim summer dress but also can team iut up with leggings, boots, a hat and a belt across the waist
4. The ethnic deigm element is great because it incorporates some of my ethnic background.
What words of wisdom do you think every child should grow up knowing?
Follow your dreams and always stay strong no matter what happens. Aspire and Inspire and grow together.
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