IsossyChildren believes that education is crucial for all global children and we're pleased to profile this wonderful organisation, Pink Think, which is dedicated to education and motivating young girls. Here we interview Makeda Ricketts, the CEO of Pink Think.
inspired you to start your business?
I used to work with a lot of organizations geared towards enriching the
education of girls outside the classroom. However, the way they teach certain
subjects like math and science usually isn’t appealing to most girls and as a
result they are not engaged. I wanted to create something that would be
intuitive and fun for girls and at the same time promote education and
empowerment. The whole premise of Pink Think is to get girls to think of
education and learning as playtime.
have been your favourite client experiences?
response to Pink Think has been very positive and that’s great because I
started this company to help people. I am partnering with several non-profits
that work with girls and collaborating and learning from them has been a
wonderful experience for me. Still, my favorite client experience has been
seeing the response of girls to the website. They are always so thoroughly
engaged. Seeing them that excited about learning is priceless.
advice would you give to someone starting up in your industry?
and connect. People are so willing to help if you reach out, especially in the
education space. There are so many organizations focused on educating girls and
you should use all of them as a resource. Anyone working in this field is doing
it because they want to help and educate, so people are very willing to partner
with you and share best practices if you reach out.
are your long term goals?
are working on developing our own educational games and gifts for girls. We are
hoping to launch those products in the next couple of months. Beyond that we
want to create a foundation that focuses on educating girls in East Africa.
Children celebrates diversity through global clothing for children. Why do you
think diversity matters for every generation?
is so important because diversity is information. We can learn so much from
people who are different from us or who have different experiences than we do.
I believe all the innovation and improvements we are seeing in the field of
girls’ education is because we live in this increasingly interconnected world. The
sharing of ideas and information make it impossible for progress not to be
made. The more diverse we are, then the more we learn from each other, and that
is what moves us forward as a society.
words of wisdom do you think every child should grow up knowing?
personally love quotes and if I had to impart words of wisdom to any child it
would be this quote by Shel Silverstein.
to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the
impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me...
Anything can happen, child. Anything can be."
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