What inspired you to start your business?
I was inspired to start the Young Enterprise School after having spent several years working with new and existing businesses on their business plans and progression. This led to myself working with a number of schools and colleges and experiencing first hand the amazing passion young people had to not only learn but to want to create something of their own.
What have been your favourite client experiences?
One of my favourite experiences was recently during a positive image day where an autistic young man spent the day with us. He was so engaged in the speakers, was polite and had a real spark to him. After the day I found out he wanted to work towards going to university and was trying to get a new job. His attitude and outlook on life was fantastic and made it all worth while.
What advice would you give to someone starting up in your industry?
To be passionate about what you do, realise that being self employed is not all about flexible hours and being in charge. Have a good support network around you and be flexible, every day will be different and full of challenges.
What are your long term goals?
My goals change frequently, I set myself short term and long term ones and know to be flexible with these as life always throws the odd curveball at us. Currently one of my short term goals is to introduce a new set of qualifications into schools which will give young people ownership and leadership. Long term my goal is to ensure that we are able to provide as many tools and opportunities possible to the next generation.
Isossy Children celebrates diversity through global clothing for children. Why do you think diversity matters for every generation?
Without diversity the world would be a very boring place, we need to remember though that being different isn't a negative thing. We work with so many young people that have faced adversity and alot of the time it is due to a lack of education or understanding. I hope that all children grow up knowing that it's good to be different, it's what makes us special and amazing.
What words of wisdom do you think every child should grow up knowing?
That life is what you make of it, always set yourself goals and believe in what you do.
Contact Details
Charlotte Ball, Principal
Young Enterprise School
Twitter @teachenterprise
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