Tuesday, 12 March 2013

London is hosting the first ever Global Kids Fashion Week and Isossy Children is in it!

The back story
I've gotta say, being involved in Global Kids Fashion Week (March 18-20)is amazing. When I first saw the press on it last year I thought, we've got to be involved, but I didn't see a way in. Fortunately I sent it to  my sister and she immediately said "yes, read it properly there's a way in". And the rest as they say is history.

What does being in GKFW mean to Isossy Children
I wanted to be part of this for obvious reasons:
  • It's a global platform which gives alignment for Isossy Children
  • It's a chance to introduce and  show the world Isossy Children
  • But more than that, naturally, it's my wish for Isossy Children to be well received on this global platform.

It's amazing, but before I started Isossy Children, I really wanted to do something with The Kids Company, but felt that I was too small to approach them, I was waiting. We now have a chance to contribute in a big way and for that I'm really pleased as the show that we are in, Emerging Designers, SS13,  on March 20th 2013 contributes directly to the Kids Company Charity. Empowering kids is the future.

For More information see the links below

Until next time! Amanda XXX

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